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Many people use sticky or plastic wrap to keep their sandwiches fresh or to cover dishes. Plastic wrap pollutes our world because it can only be used once and then it never biodegrades. This means that every piece you use will stay on earth for ever and ever!
I want to reduce the amount of plastic wrap going into landfill and I hope to achieve this by selling homemade sandwich wraps. My sandwich wraps are natural and reusable and are made out of cotton fabric and beeswax with a bit of tree resin and jojoba oil to make them sticky.
The sandwich wraps I am selling are just as easy to use as plastic wrap, and to clean them, all you need to do is wipe off the dirt with cool water. I am not selling these to make money, only to help reduce the amount of disposable sandwich wrap being used in NZ.

Credit: Nicram Sabad/Shutterstock
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